too many things are on my mind.
it's really bugging me and it's dragging me down.
confusion.. dilemma.. silently creeps. ready to pounce.
ready for the kill. )':
i need to get it off my mind.
i need to. desperately. ):
it's eating me inside out. turning my joy into a deep sharp pain in my heart. i cant bear to leave things all as it iz when it's juz about to pick up. no i dun wan to. i really dun )':
sometimes i wish for something more.
sometimes i really wish things dun have to turn out this way, leaving me with no other option than this.
live with it.
and it still boils down to one option left.
do you tink you'll still follow me no matter where i go?
i dun feel like studying. anymore. no i really dun.
*throbs @23:39 <3
There .
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